p2 designs strives to bring you well-written,
error-free patterns, but mistakes occasionally happen.
If you believe you may have found an error, please contact us
so we can review the pattern and make any corrections necessary.

Patterns listed below have been changed/corrected
and the date the pattern was updated is listed.

We hope you continue to enjoy the patterns from p2 designs
and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

I'm presently in the process of reviewing and updating the format of all of the charity pattern.
Please check to see if the copy of the pattern you have has been updated.

blessings -- p2

Shadow Stripes Hat

corrected the number of "end" stitches on rounds 4, 6, and 8 in the Stitch Pattern so they total to a multiple of 5

posted 012417

Button-Cuff Slippers

renumbered toe decreases

corrected numbering on plain cuff -- there are only 5 rounds

posted 092007

Box on Sox

It was recently brought to my attention that the cast on is not divisible by four, although the ribbing is k2, p2. My favourite rib is k2, p1 and the cast on is divisible by 3, so I'm changing the ribbing.

12 (15, 18) rnds: K2, p1 around.

There is also an error on the first row of the heel turn. It should not have a p1 as the first st and it should read as follows:

row 1: (WS) p15 (16 , 18), p2tog, p1.

posted 5/21/07

Eyelet Rib Hat & Toe Up Sox

correction to Row 2 of lace pattern:

2: *k1, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, p1 (2). repeat from * around.

original pattern had a skp ... it should be an s2kp (double decrease)

posted 030208

Library Shawl from the book 220 Projects for Cascade 220
projects 11 & 12

I recently had a question regarding the border for the pockets (the last paragraph in the section). Looking at the final pattern 2 years later, I can see why it could be confusing. Unfortunately, space constraints didn’t allow for a longer description.

Here’s what that instruction would look like if it was written out fully :

Work 4 rep of Pocket Edge – Faux Cable Rib (or 8 rows of garter st, if making version #12), continuing to work the last st tog with the purl st at the pocket edge.

Pocket Edge – Faux Cable Rib (multiple of 2 + 2):
1: (WS) k1. *p2, yo. repeat from * to last st. k1
2: k1. *k3, p3so. repeat from * to last st. k1.

posted 3/22/07

Lonestar Cardigan

noted that a circular needle or double-point needles are required to work the sleeve as it's in-the-round.

posted 092007

Peppermint Twist Hat 

added size for smaller needles.  reworded cast on and transition to larger needles.

posted 071209

Top-Down Preemie Cardigan

oops!  The original pattern didn't include the numbers for the button band.  Numbers reworked.

posted 090709

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